Saturday, December 15, 2007

s-a terminat si cineMAiubit-ul.

filmul Celalalt a luat premiul pentru cel mai bun sunet
(Vlad Voinescu - PREMIUL PENTRU SUNET “ANDREI (OTTO) TONCU” acordat de Fundatia NEXT)

si o sa mai fie o proiectie cu filmul:
luni, 17 decembrie 2007
la Casa de Cultura a Studentilor - "Preoteasa" ( Calea Plevnei, nr. 61 )
orele 19:00 (in grupajul de scurtmetraje premiate la cineMAiubit)
(intrarea este libera) link

si apoi after-party cu Israel Lights (de pe soundtrack-ul filmului) in El Comandante ( Str. Sfantul Stefan, nr. 13 )

Thursday, December 6, 2007


Premiera filmului.
am ajuns sa scriu si despre asta!

marti, 11 decembrie 2007
la Cinema Studio ( Bd. Magheru nr. 29 )
orele 19:00 (in grupajul de scurtmetraje III)
in cadrul festivalului cineMAiubit
(intrarea este libera)

dupa film va invit in Expirat, la concertul trupei care a facut coloana sonora - Israel Lights

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Congratulations! You Won!

We proudly present the recently awarded and very talented member of our team, Alex Bucur. He has just won the big prize from the most famous Evil Pigeons Fredo and Pid'jin.

You can check out some of his work here.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

I seem to be unstopable...

Yes, more pictures from the picnic!!!

Good pictures

Well, we've decided to stop hurting your eyes and finally posting some quality pictures. Thank you Laura and sometimes, her camera, and sometimes, Alex... More coming up.

pictures in the shadow

I know this is inappropriate, but I thought some of you might want to see some more pictures:)

Toma, the most talented kid on the planet.

Eugen, his "brother", who drew beautifully.

Maria Obretin, in a hollywoodian picture here.

Oamenii padurii.

Vlad, ready as usual.

Fake picnic.

Some girls, sitting around, keeping Baxter out.

A bunch of people.

If you want to make a good movie, you simply have to put your ass out there.