Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Congratulations! You Won!

We proudly present the recently awarded and very talented member of our team, Alex Bucur. He has just won the big prize from the most famous Evil Pigeons Fredo and Pid'jin.

You can check out some of his work here.


dorin said...

felicitari Alex!!!

din pacate eu nu ma pot mandri cu acelasi succes...
gasca de la scoala a jurizat filmul la nota 7. dar probabil ca a fost ridicat de desenele lui Alex.

Horsy said...

Cu siguranta Fredo si Pid'jin ar fi fost cu adevarat impresionati de film:)

R. Pidjin said...

ce film? :) show!

dorin said...

pai e filmul meu de scoala

deocamdata nu e intr-un format digital online, dar va fi curand...
versiunea 0.9 :)

poti citi mai multe despre productia lui pe blog